User InformationCompany InformationDirectors InformationShareholders Information Twitter First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Proposed Company Name (exclude Sdn Bhd) * Name of the company to be registered Alternative Name 2 * Alternative name (2) of the company to be registered Alternative Name 3 * Alternative name (3) of the company to be registered Explanation of company name (s) *Please provide a clear description of what the proposed company name means Business Nature * Type of Business. Eg: Software, Construction, Agriculture Number of Employees * Number of employees in your new company Business Description *Please describe the business you intend to start as detailed as possible Company Contact Details Email Address * Please double check if accurate Phone Number * Please double check if accourate Do you have a business address in Malaysia? * Yes, I do have a business address No, I will use my residential address If you do have one, please fill your business address In this section, you are required to provide information about your directors. Please fill out the form fields below with information about your director. Director's Name * Full Name as on Mykad/Passport Business Occupation * Your role as a director of the company. Eg: CEO Directorships in public company/subsidiaries of public company in Malaysia? * Yes None Director's Identification * Mykad (IC) or Passport number Passport Expiry Date Not required for Mykad (IC) holders Mykad (IC) Add Files SSM requires this information. Please provide a clear copy of your IC (front & back) Residential Address Please provide the director's full address Address line 1 * Address line 2 * Zipcode * City * State * Country * Nationality * Date of Birth * Race * select an option Malay Chinese Indian Other SSM requires this information Email Address * IMPORTANT! Please double check if accurate Phone Number IMPORTANT! Please double check if accurate Do you want to add a second director? If none, leave this empty and proceed to the next page Yes In this section, you are required to provide information about your shareholders. Please fill out the form fields below with information about your shareholder. Are you an individual or corporate shareholder? * Individual Corporate Do you want to add a second shareholder? If none, leave this empty and proceed to the next page Yes